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Posture And Workplace Ergonomic Setup

If you spend the majority of your day at a desk, you should invest in a setup that is ergonomically optimized. Here are some product suggestions to help improve your workspace and reduce harmful loading on your spine. Consult with your PT to make the best decisions for improving your workspace.

What to look for

  • Adjustable

    Consider products that are adjustable to fit your specific body size and shape, as well as those that can be worn or used comfortably for extended periods of time.

  • Size and design

    For workspace set up, look for product that is compatible with your other furniture, and that it does not take up too much space or interfere with your ability to work comfortably.

Height Adjustable Electric Standing Desk

Height Adjustable Electric Standing Desk

Standing is better than sitting

I prefer my “work-from-home” patient population to stand the majority of the day. By doing this you receive a wealth of physical and mental health benefits.
High Back Adjustable Ergonomic Chair

High Back Adjustable Ergonomic Chair

Chair with good lumbar support

If you sit a lot, a chair with lumbar support that is adjustable is very important. However, movement is most important, so consider the standing desk mentioned above if you can.
Adjustable Foam Foot Rest

Adjustable Foam Foot Rest

Added support for better alignment

If you are sitting, consider adding a foot rest to your set up. It reduces stress on low back by angling pelvis more posteriorly.
Schiara Posture Corrector

Schiara Posture Corrector

Simple wearable strap for posture

Some patients look for additioanl assistance with their posture, and can try this wearable strap.
Upright GO-2 Posture Corrector

Upright GO-2 Posture Corrector

Smart wearable for posture correction

If you want something more tech savvy then try this postural corrective device that alerts you when you need to correct your posture.
Adjustable Laptop Stand

Adjustable Laptop Stand

Raise your laptop to eye-level

Reduce neck and eye strain with this adjustable, ultrabook-compatible laptop stand.
Wrist Rest

Wrist Rest

Basic cushioned rest for support

If you notice wrist pain and need relief try this cushioned rest.